
Fusobacterium nucleatum: universal colonizer
Fusobacterium nucleatum: universal colonizer
Ema Nedeljković
Fusobacterium nucleatum is a Gram-negative obligate anaerobic bacterium in the oral cavity. It plays a role in several oral diseases, including periodontitis and gingivitis but is also associated with a wide spectrum of human diseases throughout the body. The FadA adhesin conserved in F. nucleatum is a key virulence factor and a potential diagnostic marker for F. nucleatum-associated diseases. This thesis reviews F. nucleatum’s implication in periodontitis, colorectal cancer and adverse...
Lara Djaković
Razvojem BAC mutageneze otvoren je novi put manipulacije velikih genoma virusa, uključujući Herpesviridae. Stabilnost, lakoća manipulacije i veliki kapacitet BAC vektora unutar Escherichie Coli označili su prekretnicu omogućivši različite modifikacije, od točkastih mutacija, do insercije i delecije virusnih ili stranih gena. Kako bi imali bolji uvid u replikaciju HSV-1 i njegovo širenje tijekom infekcije, in silico i metodama molekularnog kloniranja, konstruirali smo rekombinantni...
Perina Šiljeg
Schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar disorder (BD) are two severe mental disorders with similar, but differing symptoms that effect the patient’s function, and treatment protocols. However, there is considerable overlap in their genetic, epigenetic and environmental risk factors. They also have similar heritability profiles, either within or between the disorders, with no significant difference between either gender of the subject or the parent. Many similarities are also shared between SZ...
Galektini kao biljezi karcinogeneze i ciljevi onkološke terapije
Galektini kao biljezi karcinogeneze i ciljevi onkološke terapije
Izabela Škamo
Galektini (Gal) su proteini koji se neenzinskim načinom vežu na ugljikohidrate, pokazujući visoku specifičnost za njihove šećerne skupine, točnije βgalaktozide. Ova obitelj proteina broji 15 članova (galektini 1-15), od kojih je utvrđeno 12 postojećih gena u ljudi. Na staničnoj razini, uloga i važnost Gal se temelji na posredovanju adhezije i vezanja molekula na ciljne stanice te uključenost u signalne puteve u stanici te modulacije funkcija i uloge unutar organizma....
Genetic Overlap Between Obsessive-compulsive Disorder and Major Depression
Genetic Overlap Between Obsessive-compulsive Disorder and Major Depression
Ema Ukić
Obsessive-compulsive disorder and major depressive disorder are among the most common mental disorders globally and are frequently co-diagnosed. They are both highly complex, heterogenous and a result of both environmental and genetic factors. This review focuses on the genetics behind these disorders and their overlap. When researching OCD, the genes that have most commonly been associated with the disorder are ones involved in glutamate, serotonin, and dopamine transmission. Such genes...
Genetic ablation of ADAR1, ADAR2 and ADAR3 using CRISPR/Cas9 technology
Genetic ablation of ADAR1, ADAR2 and ADAR3 using CRISPR/Cas9 technology
Vlatka Ivanišević
Posttranscriptional modifications are poorly understood cellular phenomenon. C6 deamination of adenosine to inosine is a common dsRNA modification carried out by ADAR family of enzymes. ADAR1, the chief editor, has two isoforms: interferon inducible p150 and constitutively expressed p110. ADAR2 is the other active cellular editor, while ADAR3 has no notable editing activity. Editing alters RNA structure leading to induction of various changes. Both RNA and DNA molecules are edited by ADAR....
Genetički modificirani probiotici
Genetički modificirani probiotici
Karla Pavlović
Probiotici su živi mikroorganizmi koji mogu imati povoljan učinak na zdravlje domaćina u određenim koncentracijama. Istraživanja na genetički modificiranim (GM) probioticima posljednjih desetljeća rastu. Intenzivno se proučava utjecaj GM probiotika na liječenje povišenog kolesterola, zubnog plaka te njihova antikarcinogena aktivnost. Genetički inžinjering omogućio je stvaranje potpuno novih mehanizama probiotika poput onoga u Escherichia coli čija je uloga sekvestracija Shiga...
Glioblastom i neuralne matične stanice: zajedničke karakteristike
Glioblastom i neuralne matične stanice: zajedničke karakteristike
Ana Soleša
Ovaj rad istražuje usporedbu između neuralnih matičnih stanica (NMS) i glioblastoma (GBM), s posebnim naglaskom na razvoj novih terapijskih pristupa. NMS, koje su ključne za razvoj i regeneraciju mozga, posjeduju sposobnost samoobnove i diferencijacije u specijalizirane neuronske i glijalne stanice. Te sposobnosti su strogo regulirane, omogućujući fiziološku aktivnost mozga i njegovo obnavljanje nakon oštećenja. U usporedbi s NMS, GBM je maligni tumor kojeg karakterizira neometana...
Glukozamid ima značajnu ulogu u imunološkoj obrani pluća oboljelih od cistične fibroze
Glukozamid ima značajnu ulogu u imunološkoj obrani pluća oboljelih od cistične fibroze
Barbara Kovačić
Cistična fibroza (CF) je najčešća autosomna recesivna bolest u zapadnim zemljama. Kronične upale i povećana podložnost infekcijama s patogenima poput Pseudomonas aeruginosa su glavne karakteristike cistične fibroze. Pokazano je da ceramid ima centralnu ulogu u različitim plućnim infekcijama, uključujući infekcije s Pseudomonas aeruginosa, te da se nakuplja u plućnom tkivu i stanicama oboljelih od cistične fibroze. Nadalje, ekspresija sfingozina je značajno reducirana u dišnim...
Growth phenotype of Saccharomyces cerevisiae taz1Δ: Impact of carbon source and fatty acid supplementation
Growth phenotype of Saccharomyces cerevisiae taz1Δ: Impact of carbon source and fatty acid supplementation
Emily Sabolek
Barth syndrome (BTHS) is an X-linked mitochondrial disorder caused by mutations in the TAZ gene. This gene encodes tafazzin, an enzyme critical for cardiolipin (CL) remodeling, essential for normal mitochondrial structure and function. The absence of CL remodeling is the key pathological mechanism responsible for BTHS. This research employs Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism to understand how different carbon sources impact cellular processes, particularly focusing on...
HPV cjepiva
HPV cjepiva
Lea Pešut
Ljudski papilomavirus (engl. Human papillomavirus, HPV) je član porodice Papillomaviridae, koja obuhvaća male viruse bez ovojnice građene od dvostruke DNA. Dok većina papilomavirusa uzrokuje dobroćudne izrasline, neki tipovi su povezani s razvojem karcinoma u epitelnim tkivima. Postoji više od 200 tipova HPV-a, a 12 od njih je definirano kao onkogeni, dok je 8 prepoznato kao vjerojatno ili moguće onkogeni. HPV-16 i HPV-18 odgovorni su za približno 70% karcinoma vrata...
HSV-1 infection leads to a redistribution of the nuclear ADAR1 p110 isoform
HSV-1 infection leads to a redistribution of the nuclear ADAR1 p110 isoform
Adrian Perhat
Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) is a dsDNA virus, which causes many different pathological conditions in the human population. The virus has the ability to modulate host immune response, which enables its replication. Adenosine deaminase acting on RNAs (ADAR) proteins are enzymes, whose main function is deamination of adenosine to inosine on dsRNA molecules, which consequently alters their structure and function. ADAR1 is the member of ADAR family, which is a known modulator of the...
