Chemoresistance in colon cancer: focus on conventional chemotherapy
Klara Mladenić Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a widespread tumour type amongst men and women. Despite the available screening tests, this disease is most likely to be discovered when already having progressed to an advanced stage that is palliatively treated with conventional or cytotoxic chemotherapeutics. The latter typically involves 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), oxaliplatin (Ox) and irinotecan (CPT-11), first-line therapeutics that stumble upon chemoresistance in the majority of cases of metastatic or advanced...
Cikloadicijske reakcije porfirina za dobivanje klorina i bakterioklorina
Ida Šimunčić Porfirini, prirodni heterociklički spojevi, u pericikličkim reakcijama mogu sudjelovati kao dieni, dienofili, dipolarofili te 1,3-dipoli kako bi se sintetizirali novi, potencijalno biološki aktivni derivati - klorini i bakterioklorini. Osim što pokazuju optička i fotokemijska svojstva, navedeni spojevi karakteristični su po svojoj stereospecifičnosti te endo i egzo selektivnosti reakcija kojim se dobivaju. Za sintezu novih porfirina mogu se koristiti različite pericikličke reakcije:...
Cistična fibroza: patofiziologija i terapijski pristupi
Marko Lušić Cistična fibroza multisistemska je autosomno recesivna genetska bolest. Unutar zadnjih nekoliko godina napravljeni su veliki koraci u razumijevanju patofiziologije cistične fibroze, što je omogućilo pretpostavku mehanizma koji uzrokuje kliničku sliku pacijenata. Otkriće CFTR (engl. cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) gena 1989. godine, omogućilo je pretpostavku strukture i funkcije CFTR proteina. Nakon toga otkrića opisano je više od 2000 varijanti CFTR gena te...
Citotoksično djelovanje kapara (Capparis spinosa L.) na različite stanične linije humanih karcinoma
Ivana Gabela Karcinomi su skup različitih bolesti koje se međusobno razlikuju prema svojoj etiologiji, biologiji i kliničkoj slici te posljedično i po načinu liječenja. Progresivno povećanje nekontrolirane stanične diobe razlog je što se karcinom klinički najčešće očituje kao nakupina velikog broja zloćudno preobraženih stanica. Karcinom je drugi vodeći uzrok smrti u svijetu, a odgovoran je za 9,6 milijuna smrtnih slučajeva u 2018. godini. Karcinom mokraćnog mjehura je deveti...
Classification and identification of central nervous system glia
Marta Pongrac Glia is a very heterogeneous cell population comprised of very different cells that work together to maintain central nervous system (CNS) homeostasis. Long believed role of glia being the acellular connective tissue has been overturned, and they have become focus of intense research. Due to the technological advances, new functions are being discovered, as well as interactions of glia with neurons and the glia between themselves. During CNS development, radial glia guide neuronal migration,...
Collagen extraction from jellyfish: method optimization
Natalija Štimec Jellyfish are a novel source for collagen extraction, and it is derived from
multiple Medusozoa species, including Rhizostoma pulmo. Their collagen is
evolutionary older and simpler than mammalian collagens making them
compatible with human biology. Its specific response to macrophages - a
lower M1 macrophage response and a higher M2 macrophage response -
triggers regeneration in tissue, making jellyfish collagen a candidate
biomaterial for tissue engineering. To compare the...
Comparison of different FYVE domains and anti-PI3P antibody for monitoring the localization of PI3P in BALB 3T3 cells
Tea Bruketa Phosphoinositides are phosphorylated membrane lipids that control the intracellular membrane traffic and have a role in cell signaling. Phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI3P) is a key regulator of membrane and vesicular trafficking localized primarily on the early and late endosomal membranes where it regulates endosomal maturation. The major source of PI3P is the class III phosphoinositide 3-kinase vacuolar protein sorting 34 (Vps34). In the cells, PI3P can be visualized using antibodies...
Computational evaluation of diarylbenzimidazole derivates as MEK inhibitors
Lovro Rašan Cancer is a condition where certain body cells uncontrollably multiply and invade
other parts of the body. The study deals with molecular interactions within the
Raf/Ras/MEK/ERK signalling pathway with the MEK1 as a focal point. The main goal
of this study is to investigate diarylbenzimidazole derivatives as potential MEK1 inhibitors. The study evaluates 15 drug candidates designed to target the MEK1 receptor, an important biomolecule in cancer progression. The aim is to determine
Contribution of muscle-intrinsic toxicity of ALS-mutant FUS to motor neurodegeneration in ALS
Emina Fodolović Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by loss of motor neurons. Most commonly exhibited symptoms include muscular weakness and atrophy. Clinical manifestations begin in adult age and the disease progresses until eventually, death occurs due to respiratory system failure, on average around 3-5 years after clinical onset. The majority of ALS cases are sporadic, with no previously recorded family history of the disease, while a minor...
Control of Platelet Glycoprotein Ib-IX and Integrin αIIbβ3 Receptor Trafficking
Lydia Knight Platelets are small anucleate blood cells, produced from their precursor cells megakaryocytes, and have a primary role in haemostasis; following tissue trauma and exposure of the subendothelial matrix, a coordinated series of events enables the formation of a platelet plug, and central to this process are the platelet surface receptors. Two major receptors are the glycoprotein (GP) Ib-V-IX complex, composed of GPIbα, GPIbβ, GPIX and GPV, and integrin αIIbβ3, composed of αIIb and β3,...