- Lovreković, VandaRazvoj sintetskog postupka gvanilacije upotrebom bis(trimetilsilil)karbodiimida
- Vrban, LucijaRačunalna studija mehanizmom temeljenih ireverzibilnih inhibitora monoamin oksidaze B
- Bilaver, LauraRegulation of the expression of somatic H1 subtypes in human lines
- Sučić, MartinaRegulatorna načela nazivanja lijekova
- Piagnani, ElenaRespiratory syncytial virus replication: Inhibition by influenza A virus defective interfering particles
- Propadalo, RužicaRisk factors for depression in students
- Jaklin, HelaRobertsonove translokacije i neplodnost čovjeka
- Benčik, InesRole of interferon gamma in the control of mouse cytomegalovirus infection in neurons
- Božić, MartaSchiffove baze - istraživanje kompleksa s ionima prijelaznih metala 3d skupine
- Vukušić, KristinaScreening of FDA approved compounds with effect on modification of myofibroblast activation during cardiac remodeling
- Dashi, GiovannaScreening of proteins with the potential to aggregate in mental illness
- Kraus, AndreaSelenoproteini i njihova važnost u svakodnevnom životu