
Biljni lijekovi za liječenje bolesti gornjih dišnih puteva
Biljni lijekovi za liječenje bolesti gornjih dišnih puteva
Niko Zeoli
Bolesti gornjih dišnih puteva jedne su od najčešćih bolesti koje svakodnevno pogađaju veliki broj ljudi. Te bolesti uključuju: običnu prehladu, upalu sinusa, nazalne polipe, upalu grla, upalu epiglotisa te upalu ždrijela. Za liječenje tih bolesti od davnina su se koristile razne biljne vrste koje i dan danas imaju važnu ulogu u liječenju tih bolesti. U ovome radu ukratko su opisane najčešće bolesti gornjih dišnih puteva kao i njihova epidemiologija. Glavna tema rada su četiri...
Biokemijski markeri subkronične toksičnosti klorpirifosa u štakora
Biokemijski markeri subkronične toksičnosti klorpirifosa u štakora
Margita Šrajbek
Pesticidi su toksični spojevi koji imaju štetne učinke na ljudsko zdravlje i okoliš. U današnje vrijeme, organofosfatni spojevi spadaju u najkorišteniju vrstu pesticida. Veliki udio u njihovoj ukupnoj primjeni ima klorpirifos (CPF), organofosfatni pesticid širokog spektra. Glavni mehanizam toksičnosti organofosfatnih spojeva je ireverzibilna inhibicija acetilkolinesteraze (AChE), ključnog enzima za prijenos neurotransmitera acetilkolina. Uz štetan učinak na AChE, postoje dokazi o...
Biološki učinak makrolidnih konjugata
Biološki učinak makrolidnih konjugata
Mislav Smolčić
Antimikrobno djelovanje makrolida prepoznato je u 20.-tom stoljeću kada su se počeli primjenjivati u liječenju infekcija uzrokovanih bakterijama i gljivicama, a također i liječenju raka. Prvi 15-člani makrolid koji je pokazao terapijske učinke bio je azitromicin. Od postavljanja azitromicina na tržište do danas, otkriven je veliki broj drugih makrolida i makrolidnih struktura različitog spektra djelovanja. No, zbog kontinuiranog korištenja makrolida i nepravilne primjene pojavio...
Biotinilacija protutijela i njihova primjena u protočnoj citometriji
Biotinilacija protutijela i njihova primjena u protočnoj citometriji
Ana Bašić
Protutijela nalaze široku primjenu u medicini i biotehnološkim istraživanjima zbog sposobnosti specifičnog vezanja na različite molekule (antigene). Mogu se koristiti u detekciji specifičnih antigena za dijagnozu bolesti, u terapiji imunodeficijencija, raka ili zaraznih bolesti te u raznim biomedicinskim istraživačkim i dijagnostičkim tehnikama: Western blot, imunohistokemija, protočna citometrija, itd. U kliničkoj se praksi sve više radi na stvaranju monoklonskih protutijela...
Brain Extracellular Matrix and the Connection with Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Brain Extracellular Matrix and the Connection with Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Virna Nilović
The extracellular matrix (ECM) of the brain is a complex meshwork of molecules that surrounds and supports neuronal and non-neuronal brain cells. The major components of the brain ECM include glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), proteoglycans (PGs), hyaluronan and matrix-degrading enzymes. The most important components are chondroitin sulfate PGs lecticans which form aggregates with other matrix components and contribute to the formation of perineuronal nets (PNNs) that are unique to the central...
Bv-2 stanice kao alternativni model za izučavanje citomegalovirusne infekcije mikroglije
Bv-2 stanice kao alternativni model za izučavanje citomegalovirusne infekcije mikroglije
Marina Marcelić
BV-2 stanice predstavljaju imortaliziranu mikroglijalnu staničnu liniju kao najčešće korištenu zamjenu za primarnu kulturu mikroglija stanica. Uobičajeno je da se uzgajaju u DMEM (engl. Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium) mediju uz dodatak fetalnog goveĎeg seruma (FCS, engl. Fetal Calf Serum). In-vitro stanični mikrookoliš ne moţe dati točnu presliku onoga u središnjem ţivčanom sustavu, što naposljetku moţe dovesti do morfoloških i funkcionalnih promjena u mikroglija...
Anja Hart
Schizophrenia is a chronic mental illness, that affects people worldwide, and presents a significant challenge within the field of mental health. Because of its global rise in prevalence, the imperative to comprehend its underlying molecular mechanisms becomes increasingly vital. The complexity of this and other chronic mental illnesses presents significant diagnostic and treatment challenges, emphasizing the need for innovative approaches to address their intricate nature. Recent insights,...
Cell-type specific glycosylation patterns of mouse CD63 detected by newly produced mouse monoclonal antibodies
Cell-type specific glycosylation patterns of mouse CD63 detected by newly produced mouse monoclonal antibodies
Nina Žarković
CD63 is an evolutionary conserved transmembrane glycoprotein which is ubiquitously expressed in mammalian cells and abundantly located in late endosomes and lysosomes. It has no enzymatic activity, but exerts its functions by interacting with other proteins to act on a wide range of cellular processes like cytoskeletal organisation, cell adhesion and motility. At least some of these CD63 functions might explain the association of CD63 with cancer metastasis seen in clinical settings....
Cellular parabiosis
Cellular parabiosis
Lucija Miseta
Since the human lifespan has been extended in the past decades, age-related diseases have become a significant societal problem. Thus, life science research is increasingly attempting to develop approaches to delay or attenuate aging and age-related diseases. These attempts target mostly cell-autonomous factors. However, it has been shown that during aging cell populations become increasingly heterogenous, with some cells still young and functional and others damaged or dying. This has...
Changes in olfaction quantified using the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test: Influence of traumatic spinal cord injury on olfactory function in people—a pilot study.
Changes in olfaction quantified using the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test: Influence of traumatic spinal cord injury on olfactory function in people—a pilot study.
Ema Vidaković
Traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) is a disruptive neurological condition which severely affects the lives of individuals. SCI leads to partial or complete impairment of movement below the level of the lesion and is accompanied by a cascade of events resulting in the disruption of many neurological pathways. Among other complications, one study reported that people living with SCI can experience olfactory impairment. Although smell is a sense people consider non-essential, its importance is...
Characterising Cell Lines For Investigating Protein Aggregation In Mental Illness
Characterising Cell Lines For Investigating Protein Aggregation In Mental Illness
Lora Polašek
Mental health is an essential part to of our overall well-being and human rights, ranging from complete wellbeing to severe emotional distress. Several risk factors contribute to these diseases, including psychological and biological components such as genetics and emotional abilities, which can often be altered by changes in brain structure and function. Common mental health disorders, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder, cause significant...
Characterization of antibodies specific for MCMV proteins MCK-2 and gO
Characterization of antibodies specific for MCMV proteins MCK-2 and gO
Josipa Jerak
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is β-herpesvirus, which establishes lifelong latent infection in host. CMV is transmitted through bodily fluids and represents the most frequent congenital infection in humans. Infection of healthy individuals with human CMV (HCMV) is usually asymptomatic, however, it can cause severe disease in immunocompromised individuals, as well as in infants infected in the prenatal period. CMV has broad tropism, infecting majority of cell types and organs. Viral glycoproteins...
