
Detekcija i kvantifikacija metabolita pesticida u Eisenia Fetida tekućinskom kromatografijom ultra visoke djelotvornosti
Detekcija i kvantifikacija metabolita pesticida u Eisenia Fetida tekućinskom kromatografijom ultra visoke djelotvornosti
Mateo Rabak
Pesticidi su prirodne ili sintetske molekule napravljene za očuvanje usjeva, hrane i zaštite od bolesti koje prenose nametnici. Veliki problem je nakupljanje pesticida u životinjama, biljkama i ljudima koje dovodi do zagađenja okoliša te šteti ljudskom zdravlju. Diamidni insekticid klorantraniliprol i triazolni fungicid propikonazol pesticidi su kojim se bavi ovaj rad. U ovom radu opisana je standardizirana metoda za detekciju i kvantifikaciju metaboliziranih pesticida iz gujavica...
Development and validation of LC-MS/MS method for N-nitrosamines analysis in pharmaceutical products
Development and validation of LC-MS/MS method for N-nitrosamines analysis in pharmaceutical products
Ivan Grgičević
N-nitrosamines are a class of organic compounds with a chemical structure that contains a nitroso (-NO) functional group attached to the amine nitrogen. Such an amine can have one or two alkyl groups attached to the nitrogen atom. According to various studies, most nitrosamines have been confirmed to be carcinogenic in various animal studies but potentially also in humans. For example, a higher incidence of gastric and oesophageal cancer has been described in people who were more exposed to...
Development of Dual Reporter Luciferase system for in vivo detection of miRNA target gene downregulation
Development of Dual Reporter Luciferase system for in vivo detection of miRNA target gene downregulation
Kristina Žuža
Most frequent global death causes are cardiovascular disorders such as cerebrovascular diseases, high blood pressure, congenital heart disease and coronary artery disease. Cardiovascular diseases often result in development of heart failure syndrome which in most cases leads to death within 5 years after diagnosis. Similar to heart failure, acute myocardial infarction is a silent murderer of today’s developed society due to sedentary life style and unhealthy habits such as smoking and...
Development of a yeast model system for interrogating the influence of beta-oxidation on mitochondrial cardiolipin turnover
Development of a yeast model system for interrogating the influence of beta-oxidation on mitochondrial cardiolipin turnover
Ana Maria Ivanov
Barth syndrome is a multi-system genetic disorder that affects the mitochondria. It is characterized by a wide range of conditions mostly affecting the heart and skeletal muscles. Symptoms include: cardiomyopathy, skeletal myopathy, neutropenia, increased urinary excretion of 3-methylglutaconic acid and weaker motor skills. What causes the disorder is the mutations in the tafazzin (TAZ) gene, which codes the tafazzin enzyme that, in healthy cells, is widely present in cardiac and...
Development of an LC-MS/MS method for the assessment of the effect of spinal cord injury on dysbiosis and short-chain fatty acid quantity in rats
Development of an LC-MS/MS method for the assessment of the effect of spinal cord injury on dysbiosis and short-chain fatty acid quantity in rats
Karla Soldatić
Spinal cord injury (SCI) has shown to induce changes in healthy gut microbiome and cause gut dysbiosis, leading to a reduction of bacteria responsible for the synthesis of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA). SCFAs have a variety of anti-inflammatory and immune properties, and it has been hypothesised that SCI leads to changes in concentration of circulating SCFAs, leading to a variety of health issues, including neural damage. Due to this, SCFAs pose as clinical markers, and the...
Development of novel protocols for polyethylene terephthalate and polystyrene isolation from seawater samples and their identification using ATR-FTIR and MALDI-MS
Development of novel protocols for polyethylene terephthalate and polystyrene isolation from seawater samples and their identification using ATR-FTIR and MALDI-MS
Erika Radović
Polymers are macromolecules with repeated structural units. Synthetic polymers have first been introduced in the middle of the 19th century, and since then their production has exponentially increased on yearly basis. As of 2015, more than 6300 Mt of plastic waste has been generated throughout the world, with more than 76% of that waste ending in landfills and oceans. To fully estimate the effect of this pollution on our planet, simple standardized protocols should be set in place for...
Diferencijacija stanica neuroblastoma kao model u istraživanju latentne infekcije herpes simpleks virusa
Diferencijacija stanica neuroblastoma kao model u istraživanju latentne infekcije herpes simpleks virusa
Katja Badanjak
U neuroznanosti i virologiji Herpes simpleks virusa tipa 1 postoji težnja ka idealnom in vitro modelnom sustavu u istraživanjima koja se bave proučavanjem latentne infekcije HSV-1 virusa. Mnoge studije su se usredotočile na diferencijaciju stanica neuroblastoma u stanice nalik neuronima. Diferencijacijom pomoću retinoične kiseline i neurotrofnog faktora BDNF mogu se dobiti stanice promijenjene morfologije i biokemije. Homogena kultura takvih diferenciranih stanica rutinski se koristi u...
Differentiation of acute and chronic exposure to METH on fAGEs accumulation and behavioral phenotypes
Differentiation of acute and chronic exposure to METH on fAGEs accumulation and behavioral phenotypes
Ana Klasan
Methamphetamine (METH) and cocaine (COC) are often used recreational drugs that target dopaminergic synaptic transmission. Repeated exposure to a specific drug that causes increased motor-stimulant response is termed behavioral sensitization. In D. melanogaster, behavioral sensitization can be measured and induced with METH and COC. Dopamine has a role in changes included in neural plasticity after drug intake, such as behavioral sensitization. Furthermore, it determines various...
Diimidna redukcija i redukcija tri- i tetrapiridilporfirina s kositar(II) kloridom
Diimidna redukcija i redukcija tri- i tetrapiridilporfirina s kositar(II) kloridom
Barbara Rojnić
Fotodinamička terapija (PDT) je jedan od suvremenijih pristupa u liječenju tumora te je još uvijek u razvoju. Za PDT su potrebne tri komponente: fotosenzibilizator (PS), izvor svjetlosti i molekularni kisik. Uspješnost PDT-a ovisi o svojstvima PS-a, a trenutno su najčešće korišteni tetrapirolni makrocikli: porfirini, klorini i bakterioklorini. Klorini i bakterioklorini imaju jači apsorpcijski pik u crvenom području (~ 650 - 750 nm) od porfirina (~ 630 nm) te ih upravo to fizikalno...
Dijagnostički, prognostički i terapijski značaj profiliranja N-glikoma kod kolorektalnog karcinoma
Dijagnostički, prognostički i terapijski značaj profiliranja N-glikoma kod kolorektalnog karcinoma
Patricia Plantak
Kolorektalni karcinom (CRC, engl. colorectal cancer) nastaje kada stanice u debelom crijevu ili rektumu izgube svoju sposobnost kontrole diobe i preživljavanja nakon čega dolazi do njihovog abnormalnog rasta. S otprilike 1,8 milijuna novih slučajeva u 2018., CRC je treći najčešći karcinom u muškaraca i drugi u žena te drugi najsmrtonosniji karcinom u svijetu. Povećana razina CEA ili CA19-9 u serumu ukazuje na prisutnost CRC-a. Međutim, mjerenje njihovih razina kao test za CRC...
Dinamika ekspresije molekula važnih za aktivaciju imunološkog sustava u stanicama visceralnog masnog tkiva u debljini
Dinamika ekspresije molekula važnih za aktivaciju imunološkog sustava u stanicama visceralnog masnog tkiva u debljini
Anamaria Đukić
Šećerna bolest tipa 2 (engl. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, T2D) je kronična metabolička bolest koja se razvija kao kombinacija rezistencije perifernih tkiva na hormon inzulin i neučinkovitog odgovora β-stanica Langerhansovih otočića gušterače. Očituje se kao stanje kronične hiperglikemije s poremećenim metabolizmom ugljikohidrata, bjelančevina i masti. Pretilost je jedan od ključnih rizičnih čimbenika za razvoj inzulinske rezistencije (engl. Insulin Resistance, IR) i T2D. Masno...
Diseases linked to the bacterium <i>Porphyromonas gingivalis</i>
Diseases linked to the bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis
Lucia Fabijančić
Porphyromonas gingivalis is a Gram-negative bacterium that is classified as an oral pathogen and, together with the bacteria Treponema denticola and Tannerella forsythia, forms a complex that promotes periodontal diseases such as periodontitis and gingivitis. The main virulence factors of P. gingivalis are cysteine proteinases, gingipains, fimbriae, capsule, lipopolysaccharide layer, and outer membrane vesicles. Some of these virulent factors promote the recruitment of the innate and...
