- Rabak, MateoDetekcija i kvantifikacija metabolita pesticida u Eisenia Fetida tekućinskom kromatografijom ultra visoke djelotvornosti
- Grgičević, IvanDevelopment and validation of LC-MS/MS method for N-nitrosamines analysis in pharmaceutical products
- Žuža, KristinaDevelopment of Dual Reporter Luciferase system for in vivo detection of miRNA target gene downregulation
- Ivanov, Ana MariaDevelopment of a yeast model system for interrogating the influence of beta-oxidation on mitochondrial cardiolipin turnover
- Soldatić, KarlaDevelopment of an LC-MS/MS method for the assessment of the effect of spinal cord injury on dysbiosis and short-chain fatty acid quantity in rats
- Radović, ErikaDevelopment of novel protocols for polyethylene terephthalate and polystyrene isolation from seawater samples and their identification using ATR-FTIR and MALDI-MS
- Badanjak, KatjaDiferencijacija stanica neuroblastoma kao model u istraživanju latentne infekcije herpes simpleks virusa
- Klasan, AnaDifferentiation of acute and chronic exposure to METH on fAGEs accumulation and behavioral phenotypes
- Rojnić, BarbaraDiimidna redukcija i redukcija tri- i tetrapiridilporfirina s kositar(II) kloridom
- Plantak, PatriciaDijagnostički, prognostički i terapijski značaj profiliranja N-glikoma kod kolorektalnog karcinoma
- Đukić, AnamariaDinamika ekspresije molekula važnih za aktivaciju imunološkog sustava u stanicama visceralnog masnog tkiva u debljini
- Fabijančić, LuciaDiseases linked to the bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis