
Evolucija mozga čovjeka
Evolucija mozga čovjeka
Lana Žoldoš
Evolucija mozga čovjeka započela je prije 4 milijuna godina pojavom reda Australopithecus, najstarijeg potvrđenog izravnog pretka modernog čovjeka. Proučavanjem fosilnih nalaza, potvrđeno je da se mozak hominina (tribus potporodice Homininae koji obuhvaća vrste Homo sapiens, Pan troglodytes i njihove izumrle pretke) povećavao tijekom evolucije. Pokazalo se da sama veličina mozga nije ključna za razvoj kognitivnih sposobnosti, značajan je ponajprije broj i raspored neurona. Tako je...
Ex vivo expansion and phenotypic characterization of mouse primary regulatory T cells
Ex vivo expansion and phenotypic characterization of mouse primary regulatory T cells
Kristina Manzoni
Foxp3+ CD25+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) are a rare subset within the CD4+ T cell compartment, playing a vital role in immune system regulation. Because of their immunosuppressive ability, Tregs are an attractive potential new tool for treating autoimmune diseases and preventing graft rejection. Although the population of Treg cells is well-defined by the intracellular expression of the transcription factor Forkhead box protein 3 (Foxp3), no defined surface marker distinguishes Tregs from...
Exploring the potential pathogenic mechanism of Alzheimer’s disease through in silico analysis of gamma secretase
Exploring the potential pathogenic mechanism of Alzheimer’s disease through in silico analysis of gamma secretase
David Visentin
Background: Alzheimer`s disease (AD) is a progressive neurologic disorder that causes brain atrophy and neuronal cell death which in turn manifests as dementia. In later stages of the disease patients are unable to care for themselves. This alongside the high number of people affected, makes AD the most expensive condition for health care providers in the industrialized nations. The pathogenic processes underlining AD usually occur through dysregulation of amyloid-β (Aβ) processing. The...
Expression and purification of mitophagy receptor BNIP3L/NIX
Expression and purification of mitophagy receptor BNIP3L/NIX
Klara Erceg
Homeostasis is one of the most important mechanisms that a living organism can have. It maintains and regulates the internal environment of organisms through numerous pathways. One of them is autophagy, a mechanism that balances the production and destruction of cellular organelles and components to preserve cellular integrity. A specific type of autophagy that degrades damaged and dysfunctional mitochondria is called mitophagy. There are a few types of mitophagy, but one of the most...
Expression of stem cell markers in primary cell cultures and fresh-fixed tissue preparations deriving from nervous tissue of postnatal opossums
Expression of stem cell markers in primary cell cultures and fresh-fixed tissue preparations deriving from nervous tissue of postnatal opossums
Sanja Mikašinović
Unlike the adult mammalian central nervous system (CNS) that has limited capacity for regeneration, the immature mammalian CNS shows a unique ability to successfully regenerate after injury. Although regeneration studies have provided significant insight into the basic molecular mechanisms underlying CNS regeneration, the key differences between the organisms that can and cannot regenerate are still unknown. Monodelphis domestica, commonly known as the gray short-tailed opossum, is a unique...
Lara Duvnjak
Herpes simpleks virus tipa 1 jedan je od najraširenijih virusa kod ljudi. Uzrokuje trajnu infekciju, a razlikujemo litičku i latentnu fazu infekcije. Latentnu fazu karakterizira mirovanje virusa u neuronima, nakon čega kao posljedica stresa ili smanjenog imunog statusa domaćina, virus može preći u litičku fazu replikacije u epitelnim stanicama. Virus HSV-1 je razvio mnoge mehanizme pomoću kojih suprimira obrambene odgovore domaćina te omogućava efikasnu virusnu replikaciju. Jedan...
Formation of neuronal networks and the role of guidance molecules netrin-1 and semaphorin 3a
Formation of neuronal networks and the role of guidance molecules netrin-1 and semaphorin 3a
Klaudia Hrvatin
The development of the central nervous system (CNS) begins before birth and it continues to change and restructure throughout adult life. CNS development relies on inductive factors and signaling molecules secreted by nearby cells that control differentiation of neuronal cells. To study the effect of such molecules on neurons, the mammalian hipppocampus became a well-established and among most used in vitro models. This study is focused on the effect of guidance molecules on neuronal growth...
Fotodinamički učinak porfirina na stanice melanoma u hipoksičnim uvjetima
Fotodinamički učinak porfirina na stanice melanoma u hipoksičnim uvjetima
Anamarija Cindrić
Novi i neinvazivan pristup u liječenju tumora, gdje nakon unosa fotosenzibilizatora (PS) u stanice slijedi ozračivanje područja vidljivom svjetlošću, zove se fotodinamička terapija (PDT). Porfirin, kao PS, može apsorbirati vidljivu svjetlost i potaknuti stvaranje reaktivnih kisikovih vrsta (ROS-ovi) koji će in situ inducirati apoptozu stanica. PDT uključuje netoksične komponente PS-a, svjetlost odgovarajuće valne duljine (600-800 nm) te kisik koji je potreban za uspješan ishod...
Fotoredoks katalizirana sinteza: Novi sintetski alat za dobivanje kompleksnih analoga lijekova
Fotoredoks katalizirana sinteza: Novi sintetski alat za dobivanje kompleksnih analoga lijekova
Katarina Zirdum
Složenost strukture lijekova predstavlja velik izazov za modernu katalizu jer se modifikacijom strukture želi očuvati učinkovitost lijeka, a spriječiti razvoj nuspojava. Sve više se istražuju nove metode i reakcije koje će uz dobre prinose u reakciji, omogućiti sintezu novih kandidata lijekova s određenom biološkom aktivnosti. Fotoredoks kataliza je proces u kojem kompleksi prijelaznih metala i odgovarajući ligandi imaju sposobnost pretvorbe vidljive svjetlosti u kemijsku...
Functionalisation of mica with (3-Aminopropyl)triethoxysilane: influence on imaging of extracellular vesicles from human cerebrospinal fluid by atomic force microscopy
Functionalisation of mica with (3-Aminopropyl)triethoxysilane: influence on imaging of extracellular vesicles from human cerebrospinal fluid by atomic force microscopy
Ana Svetić
Extracellular vesicles (EV) are nanoparticles that are present in biofluids, including human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Their visualisation is performed by Electronic Microscopy (EM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). AFM is advanced nanotechnology that enables the determination of morphology in nanometer resolution. The most common substrate used for visualisation is mica, however, its functionalisation is needed with the aim of stronger binding of EVs, especially in the AFM air mode....
Funkcionalne skupine fluorescentnih boja za konjugaciju s proteinima
Funkcionalne skupine fluorescentnih boja za konjugaciju s proteinima
Patrizia Janković
Fluorescencija je pojava u kojoj fluorescentna čestica apsorbira svjetlo određene valne duljine te prelazi u pobuđeno stanje. Dok se fluorescentna čestica nalazi u pobuđenom stanju, dio energije se prenosi na obližnje molekule ili se raspršuje u molekularnim sudarima. Na posljetku, preostala se energija emitira kao foton kako bi se elektron vratio u osnovno stanje. Fluorescentne molekule se mogu podijeliti u tri opće skupine, a to su: biološki fluorofori, kvantne točke te organske...
Fusobacterium nucleatum: universal colonizer
Fusobacterium nucleatum: universal colonizer
Ema Nedeljković
Fusobacterium nucleatum is a Gram-negative obligate anaerobic bacterium in the oral cavity. It plays a role in several oral diseases, including periodontitis and gingivitis but is also associated with a wide spectrum of human diseases throughout the body. The FadA adhesin conserved in F. nucleatum is a key virulence factor and a potential diagnostic marker for F. nucleatum-associated diseases. This thesis reviews F. nucleatum’s implication in periodontitis, colorectal cancer and adverse...
