
Cell-type specific glycosylation patterns of mouse CD63 detected by newly produced mouse monoclonal antibodies
Cell-type specific glycosylation patterns of mouse CD63 detected by newly produced mouse monoclonal antibodies
Nina Žarković
CD63 is an evolutionary conserved transmembrane glycoprotein which is ubiquitously expressed in mammalian cells and abundantly located in late endosomes and lysosomes. It has no enzymatic activity, but exerts its functions by interacting with other proteins to act on a wide range of cellular processes like cytoskeletal organisation, cell adhesion and motility. At least some of these CD63 functions might explain the association of CD63 with cancer metastasis seen in clinical settings....
Cellular parabiosis
Cellular parabiosis
Lucija Miseta
Since the human lifespan has been extended in the past decades, age-related diseases have become a significant societal problem. Thus, life science research is increasingly attempting to develop approaches to delay or attenuate aging and age-related diseases. These attempts target mostly cell-autonomous factors. However, it has been shown that during aging cell populations become increasingly heterogenous, with some cells still young and functional and others damaged or dying. This has...
Changes in olfaction quantified using the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test: Influence of traumatic spinal cord injury on olfactory function in people—a pilot study.
Changes in olfaction quantified using the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test: Influence of traumatic spinal cord injury on olfactory function in people—a pilot study.
Ema Vidaković
Traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) is a disruptive neurological condition which severely affects the lives of individuals. SCI leads to partial or complete impairment of movement below the level of the lesion and is accompanied by a cascade of events resulting in the disruption of many neurological pathways. Among other complications, one study reported that people living with SCI can experience olfactory impairment. Although smell is a sense people consider non-essential, its importance is...
Characterization of antibodies specific for MCMV proteins MCK-2 and gO
Characterization of antibodies specific for MCMV proteins MCK-2 and gO
Josipa Jerak
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is β-herpesvirus, which establishes lifelong latent infection in host. CMV is transmitted through bodily fluids and represents the most frequent congenital infection in humans. Infection of healthy individuals with human CMV (HCMV) is usually asymptomatic, however, it can cause severe disease in immunocompromised individuals, as well as in infants infected in the prenatal period. CMV has broad tropism, infecting majority of cell types and organs. Viral glycoproteins...
Chemoresistance in colon cancer: focus on conventional chemotherapy
Chemoresistance in colon cancer: focus on conventional chemotherapy
Klara Mladenić
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a widespread tumour type amongst men and women. Despite the available screening tests, this disease is most likely to be discovered when already having progressed to an advanced stage that is palliatively treated with conventional or cytotoxic chemotherapeutics. The latter typically involves 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), oxaliplatin (Ox) and irinotecan (CPT-11), first-line therapeutics that stumble upon chemoresistance in the majority of cases of metastatic or advanced...
Cikloadicijske reakcije porfirina za dobivanje klorina i bakterioklorina
Cikloadicijske reakcije porfirina za dobivanje klorina i bakterioklorina
Ida Šimunčić
Porfirini, prirodni heterociklički spojevi, u pericikličkim reakcijama mogu sudjelovati kao dieni, dienofili, dipolarofili te 1,3-dipoli kako bi se sintetizirali novi, potencijalno biološki aktivni derivati - klorini i bakterioklorini. Osim što pokazuju optička i fotokemijska svojstva, navedeni spojevi karakteristični su po svojoj stereospecifičnosti te endo i egzo selektivnosti reakcija kojim se dobivaju. Za sintezu novih porfirina mogu se koristiti različite pericikličke reakcije:...
Cistična fibroza: patofiziologija i terapijski pristupi
Cistična fibroza: patofiziologija i terapijski pristupi
Marko Lušić
Cistična fibroza multisistemska je autosomno recesivna genetska bolest. Unutar zadnjih nekoliko godina napravljeni su veliki koraci u razumijevanju patofiziologije cistične fibroze, što je omogućilo pretpostavku mehanizma koji uzrokuje kliničku sliku pacijenata. Otkriće CFTR (engl. cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) gena 1989. godine, omogućilo je pretpostavku strukture i funkcije CFTR proteina. Nakon toga otkrića opisano je više od 2000 varijanti CFTR gena te...
Citotoksično djelovanje kapara (Capparis spinosa L.) na različite stanične linije humanih karcinoma
Citotoksično djelovanje kapara (Capparis spinosa L.) na različite stanične linije humanih karcinoma
Ivana Gabela
Karcinomi su skup različitih bolesti koje se međusobno razlikuju prema svojoj etiologiji, biologiji i kliničkoj slici te posljedično i po načinu liječenja. Progresivno povećanje nekontrolirane stanične diobe razlog je što se karcinom klinički najčešće očituje kao nakupina velikog broja zloćudno preobraženih stanica. Karcinom je drugi vodeći uzrok smrti u svijetu, a odgovoran je za 9,6 milijuna smrtnih slučajeva u 2018. godini. Karcinom mokraćnog mjehura je deveti...
Classification and identification of central nervous system glia
Classification and identification of central nervous system glia
Marta Pongrac
Glia is a very heterogeneous cell population comprised of very different cells that work together to maintain central nervous system (CNS) homeostasis. Long believed role of glia being the acellular connective tissue has been overturned, and they have become focus of intense research. Due to the technological advances, new functions are being discovered, as well as interactions of glia with neurons and the glia between themselves. During CNS development, radial glia guide neuronal migration,...
Comparison of different FYVE domains and anti-PI3P antibody for monitoring the localization of PI3P in BALB 3T3 cells
Comparison of different FYVE domains and anti-PI3P antibody for monitoring the localization of PI3P in BALB 3T3 cells
Tea Bruketa
Phosphoinositides are phosphorylated membrane lipids that control the intracellular membrane traffic and have a role in cell signaling. Phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI3P) is a key regulator of membrane and vesicular trafficking localized primarily on the early and late endosomal membranes where it regulates endosomal maturation. The major source of PI3P is the class III phosphoinositide 3-kinase vacuolar protein sorting 34 (Vps34). In the cells, PI3P can be visualized using antibodies...
Computational evaluation of diarylbenzimidazole derivates as MEK inhibitors
Computational evaluation of diarylbenzimidazole derivates as MEK inhibitors
Lovro Rašan
Cancer is a condition where certain body cells uncontrollably multiply and invade other parts of the body. The study deals with molecular interactions within the Raf/Ras/MEK/ERK signalling pathway with the MEK1 as a focal point. The main goal of this study is to investigate diarylbenzimidazole derivatives as potential MEK1 inhibitors. The study evaluates 15 drug candidates designed to target the MEK1 receptor, an important biomolecule in cancer progression. The aim is to determine ...
Connection between microbiome and neurodegenerative diseases: how microbiota-derived prions can affect development of Alzheimer’s disease
Connection between microbiome and neurodegenerative diseases: how microbiota-derived prions can affect development of Alzheimer’s disease
Iva Tić
The idea that Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has an origin in the gut has been widely accepted based on crosstalk between microbiota, gut and brain. To the hypothesis of the present work, gut microbiota could be a source of a major number of amyloids. This work used two of the best studied bacterial amyloids; (i) curli, produced by Escherichia coli and (ii) Sup35p, produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Curli has beneficial roles for bacteria by helping them to form biofilms and to resist...
