Title Amphilic fatty acid conjugates of pyridylporphyrins in photodynamic therapy of melanoma cell lines
Title (croatian) Amfifilni konjugati masnih kiselina i piridilporfirina u fotodinamičkoj terapiji na staničnim linijama melanoma
Author Martina Mušković
Mentor Nela Malatesti (mentor)
Mentor Ivana Ratkaj (komentor)
Committee member Toni Todorovski (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivo Piantanida (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dubravko Jelić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2025-02-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Biotechnology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 577 - Biochemistry. Molecular biology. Biophysics
Abstract Amphiphilic porphyrins are widely used photosensitisers (PSs) in photodynamic therapy
(PDT), an antitumor treatment in which the PS is combined with light irradiation of
appropriate wavelength and oxygen in the vicinity within the treated lesions to induce the
cytotoxic effect and consequently tumour destruction. In addition to their beneficial
properties as antitumour agents, they are also used to treat viral, bacterial or fungal infections.
The hydrophobic parts of the molecule facilitate the passage through the membrane bilayer,
while the hydrophilic parts enable water solubility and thus the possibility of easier
administration of the PS. Although the amphiphilic porphyrins have shown great efficacy as
PSs, the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance, which utilises all the advantageous properties of this
type of PSs and avoids the disadvantages such as aggregation or low cellular uptake, is
somewhat less studied.
The main goal of this doctoral thesis was to study the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance on
different groups of asymmetric A3B pyridylporphyrins and its content is divided into four
parts. In the first part, N-methylated (pyridinium-3-yl) porphyrins and Zn(II) analogues with
alkyl chains of different lengths (7-17 C-atoms) were compared. The Zn(II)-porphyrin with
a 13 C-atom alkyl chain showed the highest cytotoxicity and selectivity towards the
melanoma cell line when irradiated with orange light. The second part involved the synthesis
of amphiphilic N-oxidised pyrid-3-ylporphyrins, where porphyrins with a 13 and 17 C-atom
chain showed to be promising against melanoma cell line, diminishing the melanin
obstruction. In the last part, amphiphilic (pyridinium-3-yl)porphyrins were chelated with
68Ga(III) and natGa(III) to obtain the PET/PDT agents, and their distribution was analysed in
PET-CT scan. It was found that the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance not only affects
cytotoxicity and selectivity in vitro, but also exhibits differential biodistribution in vivo.
These findings on A3B pyridylporphyrins will give us a deeper insight into the importance
of the amphiphilicity of the molecule and lead us to the further development of an “ideal PS”
for use in PDT.
Abstract (croatian) Amfifilni porfirini su široko korišteni fotosenzibilizatori (PS-ovi) u fotodinamičkoj terapiji
(PDT), antitumorskom tretmanu u kojem se PS kombinira sa svjetlošću odgovarajuće valne
duljine i kisikom u blizini liječenih lezija kako bi se izazvao citotoksični učinak i posljedično
uništenje tumora. Osim što se koriste kao antitumorski ljekovi, također je poznata njihova
upotreba protiv virusnih, bakterijskih i fungalnih infekcija. Hidrofobni dijelovi u molekuli
olakšavaju prolazak kroz membranski dvosloj, dok hidrofilni dijelovi omogućuju topljivost
u vodi, a time i mogućnost lakše administracije PS-a. Iako su amfifilni porfirini pokazali
veliku učinkovitost kao PS-ovi, ravnoteža hidrofilnih i lipofilnih dijelova, koja omogućava
sva povoljna svojstva i izbjegava nedostatke kao što su agregacija ili niska stanična
internalizacija, manje je izučavana.
Glavni cilj ovog doktorskog rada bio je proučavanje ravnoteže hidrofilnih i lipofilnih dijelova
različitih skupina asimetričnih A3B piridilporfirina, podijeljenih u četiri dijela. U prvom
dijelu uspoređeni su N-metilirani (piridin-3-ij)porfirini i njihovi Zn(II) analozi s alkilnim
lancima različitih duljina (7-17 ugljikovih atoma). Zn(II)-porfirin s alkilnim lancem od 13 Catoma pokazao je najveću citotoksičnost i selektivnost prema staničnoj liniji melanoma
nakon osvjetljavanja narančastom svjetlošću. Drugi dio uključivao je sintezu amfifilnih Noksidiranih pirid-3-ilporfirina, gdje su se porfirini s lancem od 13 i 17 C atoma pokazali
obećavajućima protiv stanične linije melanoma, smanjujući utjecaj pigmenta melanina. U
posljednjem dijelu amfifilni (piridinij-3-il)porfirini kelirani su s 68Ga(III) i natGa(III) kako bi
se dobili PET/PDT agensi, a njihova distribucija analizirana je PET-CT skeniranjem.
Utvrđeno je da ravnoteža hidrofilnih i lipofilnih dijelova ne samo da utječe na citotoksičnost
i selektivnost in vitro, već pokazuje i različitu biodistribuciju in vivo. Ovaj rad i saznanja
dobivena na temelju rezultata o A3B piridilporfirinima dat će nam dublji uvid o utjecaju
amfifilnosti molekule i dovesti nas do daljnjeg razvoja "idealnog fotosenzibilizatora" za
upotrebu u PDT-u.
amphiphilic porphyrins
pyridinium porphyrins
photodynamic therapy
hydrophilic-lipophilic balance
Keywords (english)
amfifilni porfirini
piridinijevi porfirini
fotodinamička terapija
ravnoteža hidrofilnih i lipofilnih dijelova molekule
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:193:196454
Promotion 2025
Study programme Title: Medicinal chemistry Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, polje biotehnologija u biomedicini (doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, polje biotehnologija u biomedicini)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2025-02-14 10:27:11