Abstract | Biljne vrste roda Echinacea bilježe višestoljetnu primjenu u prirodnoj
herbalnoj medicini stoga su i danas zanimljive za istraživanja. Posjeduju
brojna korisna svojstva koja primarno djeluju na imunološki sustav jedinke
kroz takozvane imunomodulatorne učinke koji utječu na brojne stanične
puteve i same stanice. Djelovanje se očituje aktivacijom fagocitoze,
stimulacijom fibroblasta i pojačanjem respiratorne aktivnosti te
djelovanjem stanica kao što su makrofagi, leukociti, limfociti, granulociti,
polimorfonuklearni leukociti (PMN) te stanice prirodni ubojice (NK stanice).
Ovim putevima dolazi do lučenja brojnih citokina, kemokina i upalnih
odnosno protuupalnih medijatora poput NF‑κB, TNF‑α, IL-1, IL-1α, IL-1β,
IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, adhezijske molekule i COX‑2, komplementa C3b. Kako bi
sve ovo moglo djelovati postoje i receptori koji prepoznaju te signale i šalju
nove, neki od kojih su kanabinoidni receptori tipa 2 (CB2) i brojna obitelj
TLR receptora. Uz učinke na imunološki sustav biljne vrste roda Echinacea
odnosno biljne aktivne tvari takozvane fitokemikalije pronađene u njima
posjeduju i protuupalne, psihoaktivne, citotoksične te antioksidativne,
antibakterijske, antifungalne i antivirusne učinke. Neke od važnijih
fitokemikalija su alkamidi, derivati kavene kiseline, polisaharidi i
glikoproteini. Ne bi li se ovi učinci dokazali, korišteni su brojni testovi
svojstveni pretkliničkim istraživanjima. In vitro istraživanja provođena su
na raznim staničnim kulturama poput različitih vrsta mišjih i štakorskih
makrofaga i limfocita, dendritičkih stanica, TPH-1 te Jurkat stanicama dok
su in vivo istraživanja provedena testovima kao što su metoda uklanjanja
ugljika ili test induciranja edema šape izazvanog karagenanom. Iako svi ovi
testovi pokušavaju biti što točniji problem lipopolisaharidne kontaminacije i
dalje stvara lažno pozitivne slike učinaka ove biljke. Stoga treba nastojati
otkrivati nove, detaljnije mehanizme kako djelovanja vrsta roda Echinacea
na organizam tako i same metode detekcije njihove korisnosti u organizmu |
Abstract (english) | Echinacea species have been used in natural herbal medicine for centuries,
so interest for their research stands even up today. They possess numerous
useful properties that primarily affect the immune system through so-called
immunomodulatory effects through numerous cellular pathways and the
cells themselves. These effects are manifested by the activation of
phagocytosis, the stimulation of fibroblasts and respiratory burst, and cells
such as macrophages, leukocytes, lymphocytes, granulocytes,
polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) and natural killer cells (NK cells).
These pathways lead to the secretion of numerous cytokines, chemokines
and inflammatory or anti-inflammatory mediators such as NF-κB, TNF-α,
IL-1, IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, adhesion molecules and COX‑2,
complement C3b. In order for all of this to work, there are receptors that
recognize these signals and send new ones, some of which are cannabinoid
receptors type 2 (CB2) and a large family of TLR receptors. In addition to
the immune-effect of the phytochemicals found in Echinacea species also
have anti-inflammatory, psychoactive, cytotoxic and antioxidant,
antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effects. Some of the more important
phytochemicals are alkamides, caffeic acid derivatives, polysaccharides and
glycoproteins. In order to prove these effects, numerous tests characteristic
of preclinical research were conducted. In vitro research was conducted on
various cell cultures such as different types of mouse and rat macrophages
and lymphocytes, dendritic cells, TPH-1 and Jurkat cells, while in vivo
research was conducted with tests such as the carbon clearance method or
carrageenan induced paw edema. Although all these tests try to be as
accurate as possible the problem of lipopolysaccharide contamination still
creates false positive images of the effects of this herb. Therefore, efforts
should be made to discover new, more detailed mechanisms of the effects
of Echinacea species on the body, as well as methods of detecting their
usefulness in the body. |