Abstract | Nedostatak visokokvalitetnih prehrambenih proizvoda postaje globalni problem, a u budućnosti će se proizvodnja hrane trebati povećati za gotovo 90%. Alge su visokonutritivne te mogu pridonijeti rješenju ovog izazova, implementirajući se u funkcionalnu hranu. Alge, ključne za fotosintezu, podijeljene su na mikroalge i makroalge. Također, alge dijelimo prema njihovom klorofilu koji sadrže te koji im daje specifičnu boju, pa tako razlikujemo crvene, zelene i smeđe alge. Alge su prepoznate po svojim zdravstvenim prednostima, uključujući antioksidacijska, antibakterijska, antivirusna i neuroprotektivna svojstva. Različite vrste, poput Chlorelle vulgaris, nude poboljšanje glukoze u krvi te potporu mršavljenju. U industriji hrane za formiranje gelova i viskoznih otopina, možemo pronaći polisaharide algi kao što su agar, alginat i karagenan. U proizvodnji agara dominiraju alge Gelidium i Gracilaria te se u prehrambenoj industriji koristi oko 90% agara, a preostali dio se koristi u laboratorijima. Alginati i karagenani isto se koriste zbog svojstava gela te imaju široku primjenu u kozmetičkoj i farmaceutskoj industriji. Crvene alge poput Dulse i Nori nude esencijalne minerale i vitamine, dok smeđe alge kao Arame, Kombu, Morski špageti i Wakame pružaju velike količine makronutrijenata. S druge strane, zelene alge poput Chlorelle vulgaris, doprinose prehrambenoj industriji i istraživanju biogoriva. Drugae vrsta zelenih mikroalgi imaju različite pogodnosti, Dunaliella proizvodi β-karoten, a Haematococcus pluvialis astaksantin. Alge zbog svojih bioaktivnih spojeva imaju potencijalnu primjenu u farmaceutskoj industriji, posebno alginati koji se koriste u liječenju GERB-A, zacjeljivanju rana i dostavi lijekova. Nadalje, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii je istražena mikroalga s potencijalom u medicinskoj industriji i proizvodnji cjepiva, a rekombinantni proteini iz ove alge imaju perspektivnu primjenu u farmaceutskoj proizvodnji. |
Abstract (english) | The lack of high-quality food products is becoming a worldwide issue, and in the future, food production will need to increase by almost 90%. Algae, being highly nutritious, can contribute to addressing this challenge by being incorporated into functional food. Algae, crucial for photosynthesis, are classified into microalgae and macroalgae. They are further categorized based on their chlorophyll content, which gives them distinct colors, we distinguish red, green, and brown algae. Algae are renowned for their health benefits, including antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and neuroprotective properties. Various types, such as Chlorella vulgaris, offer improvements in blood glucose and support weight loss. In the food industry, algae-derived polysaccharides like agar, alginate, and carrageenan are used for forming gels and viscous solutions. In agar production, Gelidium and Gracilaria algae dominate, with around 90% of agar used in the food industry, while the remain serves laboratories due to its thickening properties. Alginates and carrageenans find extensive use in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries due to their gel-forming characteristics. Red algae like Dulse and Nori provide essential minerals and vitamins, whereas brown algae such as Arame, Kombu, Sea Spaghetti, and Wakame offer substantial macronutrients. On the other hand, green algae like Chlorella vulgaris contribute to the food industry and biofuel research. Different species of green microalgae offer various benefits; for example, Dunaliella produces β-carotene, and Haematococcus pluvialis produces astaxanthin. Algae, rich in bioactive compounds, hold potential applications in the pharmaceutical industry, especially alginates used in treating GERD, wound healing, and drug delivery. Furthermore, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, a researched microalga, shows potential in the medical industry and vaccine production. Recombinant proteins from this algae present promising applications in pharmaceutical manufacturing. |